Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Random Thought

I'm toying with the idea of buying a house in Valencia, CA when I have the sufficient amount of funds.
Why you ask? Not for any imporant reason really. Just so that when someone asks me where I'm from, I can exclaim slowly, over-dramatically, and mystically "VaLENcia!" and then disappear into the darkness.

Monday, June 18, 2007

work/out of town opportunities-related

So I’m looking at my desk and I literally have one empty styrofoam cup of coffee on one side, a half-full cup of coffee on the other side (which I’ve already refilled), and an empty bottle of Starbucks Frappuccino on the other side from this morning. This doesn’t include the half-drunken bottle of Gatorade I have stashed in the refrigerator. I think I’m starting to get sick from all this caffeine though. It's only 12:30, and needless to say, it’s still difficult to stay awake/concentrate.

Because of these coffee cups and all of these papers/folders, by the end of the summer my desk will probably resemble Dennis Nedry's. My messy antics will surely cause Samuel L to come in and give me a beatdown ("what a complete slob"). Hey at least I'm usually really clean.

In other news, my friend Jon e-mailed me this link late last night, saying that I must do this. It is VERY tempting. A friend and I went to NYC a few years ago and played in a symphony with 100 guitars, so playing with 77 drummers doesn't seem tooo far fetched I guess. Plus I am actually in the mood for an absurd road trip. I’ll e-mail them and see if they’re still looking for people.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm Starting to Realize How Truly Exciting My Life was a Month Ago...

I kept a journal for my trip, and it was rather interesting for the most part. Different adventures each day. Lots of fun. So much to write about that I often skipped over the more important things.

Anyways, I’m still in a journaling mood, but have no cool adventures. So here’s a recap of my exciting day at my summer job, just to prove how boring and uneventful life suddenly becomes.

My Work Journal for 6/12/07

8:31. I arrive to the office one minute late. Oops

8:32. The girl next to me asks if I saw myself on television Saturday night (she thinks I look like one of the cast members on Saturday Night Live). I say “no, but thanks for asking.”

9:25. As I’m filling out one of these escalation sheets, I realize that the word “institute” has way too many ‘t’s in it. 1/3 of the word is taken up by ‘t’s. This troubles me.

9:43. Almost every girl working in the room sneezes at about the same time. This is weird. This occurrence causes much laughter throughout the office as many snot germs fill the air.

10:50. I have to call numerous places and people to confirm addresses, and some really don’t like to disclose this information. For example, it’s the second time in the past week that I’ve had to verify an address with a secret “WMD Warehouse” on a military base in Colorado. The feds are gonna bust through the door soon because I know too much.

12:00. I’ve always thought that I was very good at understanding different accents…until I talked to someone on the phone from southern Texas.

12:02. Lunchtime at my desk, except both people who sit next to me are at a meeting, so I have nobody to talk to :(

13:11. This is how sad I am: My computer clock is one hour behind, so I look at the time and I’m like “aww it’s only 12:10,” but THEN I look at my watch and I’m like “yea!!! It’s really 1:10.” Quite simple, yet quite refreshing every time.

13:33. I’m gonna make a shout out to the Westchester Medical Group. "Holla!" All I need from them is a suite or building number, but they’ve put me on hold for the past 10 minutes. After listening to a recorded loop of information at their number while on-hold over and over, I now understand that I should schedule a physical appointment at their office at 3020 Westchester Ave, Purchase, NY 10577. “When was YOUR last exam?” Did you know that people with high anger problems and high blood pressure are prone to heart attacks or sudden cardiac death? High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and physical exhaustion can all predict heart attacks. So says the Westchester Medical Group on-hold radio station.

13:43. Sign onto where you can register for their new feature messaging services! Brown or multi-grain bread isn’t necessarily “whole grain.” It must be made out of 100 % wheat flour for it to be considered “whole grain.” Check the nutrition facts for more info.

13:45. If you have diabetes, then walking barefoot or with sandals can be a hazard. Schedule regular podiatry exams if you have any further questions. The Westchester Medical group cares for YOU!

13:46. I hang up.

14:14. I try calling this “medical group” again, but now the number’s apparently been “disconnected.” They’re trying to avoid me. I can play this game.

14:56. Looking through shipping addresses, I magically discover that there’s a street in Kentucky named “Cinnamon Children Road.” That’s right folks. I’ve discovered that there’s something cool in Kentucky.

16:03 I finally get in contact with the bitches at Westchester Medical. They gave me my information…good thing for their sake.

16:15 I’m posting all of this stuff up on my blog. Shouldn’t I be working? Yes, but every time I walk past almost every girl in this room, they’re either on their facebook or myspace page. At least I’m working with people my age I guess.

And at 16:30, I’ll leave a half hour early, because I ate my lunch at my desk.

So yeah. The blog has suddenly taken a turn for the worst, because life is back to normal.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

SAS Conclusion

So I wrote this little blurb on my laptop while sitting on the floor at a Chicago airport while my flight was delayed—May 15th. Sorry for the INCREDIBLE delay, but I still feel like posting what I wrote:

This sucks.
I just realized that for the first time in the past three and ahalf months, I’m truly alone. I’m all by myself. I’m waiting on the dirty floor of this airport for my flight to take me back to Pittsburgh …back to the place where I was honestly trying to run away from. It looks like hell outside—thunderstorms, lightning, my kind of night I guess. Sure, while on this global journey there were a few times where I’d travel to a store, a movie theater, or an Indian museum by myself; I always hated traveling alone for brief periods of time, but I’d also always make it back to the ship where I’d meet up with familiar faces Not this time. I surprisingly loved being around people all the time, and honestly never got sick of it.

I’m not too sentimental, but I’d be lying if I said that I’m not going to miss the experiences, the countries, the laughs, the ship itself, and the people. I’m going to miss sitting in that global studies class. I already miss the many inside jokes that no one at home will understand. I’m even going to miss getting hit in the stomach with a pillow in the middle of the night in my cabin because I was snoring. I'm going to miss those milkshakes they made for me up on the 7th deck. I’m going to miss the wonderful peanut butter and cheese sandwiches I'd make and ALL of the positive praise (and some jealousy) my friends had for this fantastic sandwich. I’m REALLY going to miss walking off the ship the morning we enter a new country, excited for new adventures; new plans; meet new people; etc.

So yeah. It’s weird. Actually…have you ever had a really awesome dream? I mean, an unbelievable dream. One of those dreams where you know you’re dreaming, and you never want to wake up. Maybe you’re living in a perfect world, where you work at a perfect job and have that perfect house you’ve always wanted. Maybe in your dream you’re kissing that person you’ve always had a crush on, but never had the guts to express your feelings to him/her. Maybe in the dream you’re talking and hanging out with a loved one who passed away years ago. I love those dreams, but the worst part; the part that’s really horrible and depressing is when you wake up and realize that it all wasn’t real. It never happened. It was a dream and you’re back in reality, and reality bites. I’ve honestly just awakened from a 3 ½ month perfect dream…and I have a feeling that reality’s really, really going to suck from now on.

Just thought that I’d share that. Honestly, it’s been a few weeks, and at this point, I just have to deal with it. Sure life’s boring. Sure the summer’s going to suck working a job I dislike, and of course I still miss everybody and miss everything…but there’s nothing I can do about it. Oh well. It’s ok.
I actually feel like writing a lot more. Maybe I’ll try and write some short stories or something if I have free time, but I also feel like making the most out of this summer. So hopefully, my free time will be limited.

I'm a Dinosaur. RAWR!